Fees & Services

First and foremost, I believe in transparency. I have outlined here a range of fees for various services provided. All fees will be agreed upon before the client engagement begins.
I understand that no client is created equal. While one might require a strategic full comprehensive wealth creation plan, another might merely require a second opinion or quick check-up.

Comprehensive Financial Plan

Individual = $400 Couples = $500

The recommended and most popular option, the comprehensive financial plan is a process designed to get an in-depth understanding of your current financial situation, and develop a strategy to address any goals, issues, or concerns you may have.


  • Cash flow Management
  • Tax Planning
  • Investments
  • Risk Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning

This option often consists of 3 financial planning meetings:

  • Introductory meeting to talk about your situation and talk about goals, terms of engagement, fees, etc.
  • Secondary meeting to present financial plan and discuss recommendations
  • Third meeting if necessary for assistance in implementing agreed upon recommendations

You will receive a full written financial plan, complete with recommendations and appropriate visuals, charts, and projections.

Your fee will cover one year of service, including any additional meetings should any significant life event occurs, and we need to re-evaluate. This also includes an open door for any inquiries via email.

The comprehensive financial plan selection also gives the client the option to retain my services for any following years at a 25% discount.

Partial Financial Plan

As an alternative to a full financial plan, partial plans are offered for clients who don’t think they would benefit from a comprehensive plan

Cash Flow Management - $150

For clients who are having trouble tracking spending. This would include an assessment on current income, spending habits, and focusing on building a realistic budget you can stick to.

Retirement Report - $200

For clients who are starting to think about retirement. Covers common concerns about how much to save, when you can afford to exit the workforce, when to take CPP and OAS, any pension queries, etc.

Investment Consulting - $150

For clients who want a review of their investments. Covers common concerns about diversification of investments, risk tolerance, current management fees, etc.

Education Plan - $150

For clients who are looking to save for a child’s future education. This would cover common concerns about how much to save for education and how to take full advantage of the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and any available government grants.

DIY Investing - $200

For clients who want to take a hands-on approach to their investing. This would include everything covered in the investment consulting plan, with added education and steps on how to implement DIY investing.

Hourly Consulting

$60/hour, minimum one hour

Hourly service designed to deliver any information, answers, and advice regarding specific questions, without the need for a more detailed financial plan.

Most common examples:

  • Renting a home vs buying
  • Pension decisions
  • RRSP vs TFSA contribution
  • Large purchases
  • General financial literacy and education
  • Paying down debt vs investing
  • Maternity/Paternity planning

I understand some situations might vary out of these parameters so please contact me at any time to arrange a custom quote.

At the end of the day my main goal is to help people, and I’m not opposed to working within the constraints of your budget or billing the total cost over several months to make it more affordable. All reasonable requests will be considered.